September 09, 2007

Manon Cafe, 74 Trinity Place, New York, NY


Overall: ****

Coffee sampled: Illy French Roast

Offerings: Coffee, pastries, juices, PLUS Leonidas Belgian Chocolates.

Unique Drinks: Hot Chocolate made with real Belgian Chocolate.

Interior: The blue and white walls remind me of a doll house. The shop is huge with a second level that is also available for private parties. There are ornate mirrors and pretty decorations all over the walls and even the "no smoking" signs are framed.

Music: Classical or contemporary music from a local radio station.

Clientele: Young Wall Street professionals and tourists.

Free WiFi: No.

Credit Cards: Yes

Barista: Friendly young people who always have smiles on their faces.

Extras: Leonidas Belgian chocolate is also sold at Manon cafe. For a larger selection of chocolates, you can visit the main chocolate store at 485 Madison Ave.

Notes: The chocolates come directly from Belgium and are also available online at

Has-Beans Coffee and Tea Co. 620 5th Ave. Park Slope, Brooklyn



Coffee sampled: French Roast

Offerings: Coffee, tea, pastries, juices, whole bean coffee, loose teas, fresh fruit, slushys, and cool accessories.

Unique Drinks: Mexican Hot Chocolate

Interior: Laid back atmosphere. The wooden tables and chairs and the checkered floor tiles remind me of an old school diner. The warm brown and yellow tones make you feel very relaxed. The walls and shelves are filled with coffee memorabilia and you could spend a lot of time just looking around. A great place to go to study or relax without loud noise and huge crowds.

Clientele: Mixed age group.

Barista: A friendly young lady who greeted all the customers with a smile and asked how their day was.

Extras: Has Beans is also an internet cafe that offers internet access at $8.00 an hour. You can also purchase coffee and tea accessories such as French presses, coffee mugs, tea infusers, filters, and travel mugs.

Notes: Has Beans started as a local chain in San Francisco in 1976.

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