September 09, 2007

Manon Cafe, 74 Trinity Place, New York, NY


Overall: ****

Coffee sampled: Illy French Roast

Offerings: Coffee, pastries, juices, PLUS Leonidas Belgian Chocolates.

Unique Drinks: Hot Chocolate made with real Belgian Chocolate.

Interior: The blue and white walls remind me of a doll house. The shop is huge with a second level that is also available for private parties. There are ornate mirrors and pretty decorations all over the walls and even the "no smoking" signs are framed.

Music: Classical or contemporary music from a local radio station.

Clientele: Young Wall Street professionals and tourists.

Free WiFi: No.

Credit Cards: Yes

Barista: Friendly young people who always have smiles on their faces.

Extras: Leonidas Belgian chocolate is also sold at Manon cafe. For a larger selection of chocolates, you can visit the main chocolate store at 485 Madison Ave.

Notes: The chocolates come directly from Belgium and are also available online at

1 comment:

Ultimate Home Business said...

i really love the interior design.

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